Toddler Sense

Baby Sense
SKU: 4075
Availability: 1 in stock
R 165.00
Your toddler learns though his senses – understanding his sensory world remains the key to ensuring optimal development and stimulation. This book shows you how.
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Toddler-hood is a time of tremendous growth and development. It is also a time of tantrums and conflict. Knowing what constitutes normal toddler behavior will help you to accept and respect this and go a long way towards effective, guilt-free and realistic parenting.

Your toddler learns though his senses – understanding his sensory world remains the key to ensuring optimal development and stimulation. This book shows you how to:

  • Provide stimulation without overload
  • Solve bedtime battles with age-appropriate sleep-training
  • Discipline with love and a sense of humour
  • Follow a sensible approach to toilet training and
  • Monitor and encourage development.



Table of Contents:

1. Understanding the brain and the sensory system 13
The key to knowledge • The brain • The sensory system  

2. Perceptual development 21
Visual perception • Spatial perception • Auditory perception • ?The importance of memory

3. The effect of sensory input on your toddler’s state 25
Sleep states • Wakeful states • How sensory input affects these states • Regulating your toddler’s state • Calming versus alerting or stimulatory input  

4. How your toddler signals sensory overload 31
Sensory integration • Approach signals • Warning signals • Fussing signals • Crying and tantrums  

5. Sleep  37
Sleep cycles • Healthy sleep patterns • Essentials for easy sleep • What happens when he doesn’t sleep? • Causes of sleep problems • Common sleep problems • Special sleep problems 

6. Toilet or potty training 51
Developmental requirements • The sensory system indicates readiness • Practical and healthy guidelines • Gaining bowel control • Gaining bladder control • Achieving dry nights • Late developers • Bed wetting • ?Refusing to have a bowel movement in the toilet • When to seek help

7. Behaviour and discipline 
Temper tantrums • Sensory overload • Be one step ahead • Tackling temper tantrums • Use time out appropriately • Discipline in public places

8. Care and development 12-15 months 67
Language development • Motor development • Emotional development • Nutrition • Behaviour • Sleep issues • Other issues: play • Flexible routine   Activities and toys to enhance development • Teeth • CPR and first aid

9. Care and development 15-18 months 79
Language development • Motor development • Emotional development • Nutrition • Behaviour • Sleep issues • Other issues: nasty habits • ?Flexible routine • Activities and toys to enhance development • ?More teeth • Toddler workshops

10. Care and development 18-24 months 91
Language development • Motor development • Emotional development • Nutrition • Behaviour • Sleep issues • Other issues: arrival of a sibling • Flexible routine • Activities and toys to enhance development • Teeth • Your toddler’s fine, how are you?

11. Care and development 2-3 years 103
Language development • Motor development • Emotional development • Nutrition • Behaviour • Sleep issues • Other issues: playschool • Worms • Flexible routine • Activities and toys to enhance development • Teeth • Teach him to swim

12. Care and development 3-4 years 115
Language development • Motor development • Emotional development • Nutrition • Behaviour • Sleep issues • Other issues: Going to nursery school   Flexible routine • Activities and toys to enhance development • A last word

Appendices 129
Sensory integration dysfunction • Autistic spectrum disorder • Two ways to wean • Recipes

References and recommended reading 140


Ann Richardson
Qualified Nurse and Midwife Ann Richardson, co-author of the International bestseller, Baby sense; Sleep Sense and author of the best seller Toddler Sense has worked in the midwifery and paediatric fields for over 29 years. Apart from running a busy well baby clinic focusing on child health, immunization, nutrition, growth and development, her specialization is the treatment of “difficult babies and toddlers”, in particular those with feeding and sleeping disorders. Ann introduced the first private well-baby clinics in South Africa, now a well-known phenomenon at pharmacies across the country. She is a regular guest on television parenting shows and contributes to nursing journals, childcare publications and magazines. Ann is passionate about her work and dedicated to ensuring that parents have the necessary knowledge to enjoy and rejoice in their children. She often lectures to both professionals and parents on various baby and childcare issues, in particular the effects of the sensory system on infant behaviour. Ann is married to Ken, and has 2 daughters, Ellen and Maeve and lives and practices in Johannesburg, South Africa.